Monday, March 2, 2009

Time is Creepin on My Wrist and I’m Peepin’ It

What kind of time are you telling? The kind the bell tower is selling, or the time that your Mom is yelling? Check the hour hand on the “ON Air,” it’s got the minutes that you need right there. The red light has the time, as minimal as possible. Ask the siblings Asanaliev if you want one, they’ve got the strings that you’ll have to pull, no bull.

Designers Iskender Asanaliev & Adilet Asanaliev have made a quite fine example of the concept of time being contained all in the hour hand. The LED light on the clear display shows the minutes, while the position of the numbers act as the hour hand. And if it weren’t simple enough, setting the time is included in an extremely quaint way:

To set the time you need just to push in the center of the display for 5 seconds and LED flashes, here you push upper or lower corner of the display to set the hour and the left and right corner to set minutes.

Designers: Iskender Asanaliev & Adilet Asanaliev